Thursday, December 16, 2010

Repose in Ludwig's Castle

Painting by Sigmar Polke

Locked away in a cell.
Grasping the bars.
Holding onto any last bit of life.
The hope, the freedom
is all gone.
All the color is drifting away.
The burden of wrong,
holding on.
Never letting go,
always hanging on.
No Reason to live.
Death is creeping closer
and closer,
tearing me apart.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The First Snow Fall

One chilly morning in the beginning of December, I look out the window and see little white flurries falling from the sky. Like sprinkles being dropped on to a freshly frosted Christmas cookie. I walk outside and they land in my hair melting almost immediately. What a beautiful sight to see; the flakes landing on the ground making a light layer of snow all around like a dusting of fine sugar. Our first fall of the season won't stay but you will see it hidden in the grass like the left over cookie crumbs on the kitchen table. Light flurries fall all day as the sun sparkles off the snow making the ground all around bright and cheerful. All the fun fall times have passed and now the snowball fights and snowmen building begin. The day is so beautiful with all the trees starting to hold onto the freshly fallen snow. White is everywhere you go and everywhere you look; once you see that you know it is now December, the beginning of winter.