Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Day My Life Flashed Before My Eyes

It was an ordinary day, I was on my way to practice, so close to my destination, when I saw it coming right towards us. I screamed at the top of my lungs moments before we were hit. There was not way my dad would have been able to stop. It all happened so fast that one second I was screaming and the next I was in shock, uncertain of what exactly happened. The side airbags had filled with air and I was scared so bad. The one day something happens my dad forgot his phone in the house. The idiot driver that hit us was busy talking on the phone with one of her family members, as my dad yelled at her to call the cops. Luckily I was able to climb out of the car and then I realized it, the car was facing the opposite direction we had been going. The handle on the side of the car that I had been on was gone. At that moment my life had changed for ever, I would be afraid of car accidents for ever.


  1. I like how you describe the crash to be so frightening. It really made you get a feel of the danger.

  2. Very dramatic, very good description. There is also a spelling mistake, no not not in the beginning.

  3. Yeah i agree it was very dramatic

  4. woahh I must say the title is very dramatic but once you start reading the story it really fits like a glove. This is a very nice piece that made me feel as if I was in that position. Good job!
